
Mitchell on Global Warming: its threat, its reversal.

This week, Mitchell addresses truly what should be considered the most serious issue facing sentient life on the planet amidst dozens of serious issues.  That is Global Warming which is our anthropogenic contribution to accelerating Climate Change.  This is a seriously threatening subject to life itself and so disturbing it makes you want to cry as we damage our precious eco-system on a daily, hourly basis.  The IPCC reports are devastating enough and way too guarded, so say highly reputable environmental scientists, to the extent of being inaccurate.

But then, we’ll look at real solutions to the Global Warming disaster.  Yes, solutions to this complex mess, that could actually create the conditions to reverse Global Warming.  Tune in & learn.


Mitchell Rabin is the Founder, President and CEO of A Better World Foundation & Media, with a background in psychology  stress management, acupuncture and social entrepreneurship. He is a counselor, and executive coach all as a means of educating and inspiring clients and students alike to lead others by modeling humane, eco-sensitive and integrity-based values.  He has been a consultant to business leaders and CEOs of green and health-oriented start-ups over the past  25 years. He is an impassioned environmentalist and social entrepreneur using media & business as agents for change.

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