Mitchell Rabin, as with so many others, has been alarmed and appalled at the degradation of discourse in this country and in today’s show, he reviews what he sees as the causes of this and the relationship that has been emerging between fact and fiction. There is no naivete here regarding the fact that governments and Presidents have been lying for centuries and that this is not a new problem. But there is a level of scale and context for review. There is a horribly disrespectful, undignified “in-the-face” quality of it today accompanied with a shamelessness and an impunity that is an effort to move us from “brain to brawn” and when there is a level of hubris as demonstrated in the current Administration, it, not money, ‘trickles down’ and causes serious harm. A study shows that Trump lies on the average of once every 3 minutes of his talking time. His identity one may think, is so shaken, he is so close to being publicly ‘found out’ that the line between true and false is completely
Mitchell Rabin, as with so many others, has been alarmed and appalled at the degradation of discourse in this country and in today’s show, he reviews what he sees as the causes of this and the relationship that has been emerging between fact and fiction. There is no naivete here regarding the fact that governments and Presidents have been lying for centuries and that this is not a new problem. But there is a level of scale and context for review. There is a horribly disrespectful, undignified “in-the-face” quality of it today accompanied with a shamelessness and an impunity that is an effort to move us from “brain to brawn” and when there is a level of hubris as demonstrated in the current Administration, it, not money, ‘trickles down’ and causes serious harm. A study shows that Trump lies on the average of once every 3 minutes of his talking time. His identity one may think, is so shaken, he is so close to being publicly ‘found out’ that the line between true and false is completely blurred, even in his own mind. Unable to distinguish…..which means, among so many other reasons, he is wholly unfit and unqualified for being President. Today’s show will look at these phenomena and the herd mentality even though this is the time we need most for marshaling our collective efforts to divest from fossil fuels, commercial agriculture and cattle-raising and invest in renewable energy and sustainable practices across the board. What systems work to support Democracy and which don’t? Mitchell will also speak of one of his latest ideas he calls “Capped Capitalism”.