Monday, April 27, 7 pm EDT: We are re-airing an interview with the authors of Spiritual Capitalism, Monika & Peter
An increasing number of people are becoming inspired to change things around, to re-introduce values which take people, health, safety and environment into consideration along with profit, but not for profit to eclipse or predominate over these more sacred values. Monica & Peter Ressler’s book tells the story of this emergent new paradigm in business and the excitement around it by those designing their business model by this. . Purchase The Ressler’s Books
Out of this is emerging a significant movement across the country and beyond to “spiritualize business”, to bring it back in line with integrity and ethical values, such as those that we promote here at A Better World week after week. And in light of the Covid-19 crisis highlighting the severe inequities in our society between minorities and whites, between rich & poor, this issue is more important than ever. . Tune in and enjoy this lively discussion about this very important subject.