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Mitchell’s guest today is an innovator in reducing the Arctic Ice Melt so to significantly reduce, even reverse, the damage been done by Global Warming, Dr. Leslie Field.
Dr. Field, is Founder and CTO of Ice911, an inventor with 57 issued U.S. patents and has been working since 2006 to slow climate devastation while the world transitions at full speed to sustainable fuels and energy solutions. She determined early on that restoring polar ice can be a key lever in achieving this aim.
Leslie continues to assure Ice911 engages with cutting-edge climate science and technologies so the team’s work is at the forefront of the evolving polar
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climate. In her role, Leslie ensures that all field research is successful in generating the needed answers on the performance, on the ecosystem and biological safety of the solution. This starts with establishing collaborations and permissions and proceeds through the modeling, testing, deployment, monitoring, and assessment using advanced instrumentation and post-analysis.
Leslie is also a lecturer at Stanford University. Her annual fall seminar course, “Engineering, Entrepreneurship and Climate Change”, now in its 11th year, helps students and professionals consider various ways to approach climate change challenges. Leslie earned her B.S. and M.S. in Chemical Engineering from MIT, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from UC Berkeley with a specialization in MEMS (MIcroElectroMechanical Systems), and with a minor in Materials Science.
For more on the work of Ice911, go to:
Mitchell and Leslie met at a Climate Restoration Conference at the United Nations in 2019 where she was one of the presenters.
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