A Better World | Mitchell Rabin

Mitchell Speaks About Understanding the Covid Phenomenon & Self-Care in the Vaccine Age

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The shut-down of society due to the governments around the world’s reaction to the viral strain of Covid-19 and the media’s handling of it has caused essentially little short of massive fear and hysteria.
People are getting ill, some are dying and the truth is that we really don’t know what is going on.  There are many assumptions in place, including what a virus even is, so in today’s show, Mitchell Rabin will seek to de-construct as many variables in about 1/2 hour as possible, from seeking to identify the origin of the spread, and understanding what it is to practical steps we can take to protect ourselves, mind and body, from the pandemic, which is occurring on both somatic and psycho-emotional levels.  Included will also be political, but especially economic levels which are part of this complex picture.  Today’s show is not designed to persuade anyone to a certain point of view, but rather to think, openly, creatively, logically, independently and intuitively for themselves, free from the hammering away occurring in the media and hence, all around us.
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