Today’s subject is the exploration of saltwater plants as the planet’s future food source. From the view of personal and planetary health, intelligent use of natural resources and sustainability, this is a critical step society Bushnell says we need to take more robustly for a series of essential reasons.
To discuss this is expert Dennis M. Bushnell. Dennis is a NASA scientist and lecturer. As chief scientist at NASA Langley Research Center, he is responsible for technical oversight and advanced program formulation. His work is focused mainly on new approaches to environmental issues, in particular to climate issues. Bushnell has received numerous awards for his work. Bushnell has promoted research at NASA into LENR (low energy nuclear reactions, or cold fusion).
Bushnell obtained his M.E. degree from the University of Connecticut in 1963 and his M.S. degree from the University of Virginia in 1967, both in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
Responsible for Technical Oversight and Advanced Program formulation for a major NASA Research Center with technical emphasis in the areas of Atmospheric Sciences and Structures, Materials, Acoustics, Flight Electronics/Control/Software, Instruments, Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics, Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion, Computational Sciences and Systems Optimization for Aeronautics, Spacecraft, Exploration and Space Access .
Bushnell has 49 years experience as Research Scientist, Section Head, Branch Head, Associate Division Chief and Chief Scientist. Technical Specialties include Flow Modelling and Control across the Speed Range, Advanced Configuration Aeronautics, Aeronautical Facilities and Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion. Energy-related Activities/Contributions Plenary presentations on Futures of Energetics to/for: World Future Society, American Society of Engineering Educators, Foundation For The Future, Energy in the Next 1000 Years, 2nd Conference on Future Energy, State/NSF sponsored Workshop on Natural Disasters, U.S. National Intelligence Council, NASA Workshop on Alternative Fuels, Georgia Tech, NASA Glenn Research Center, Royal Aeronautical Society, NSF Sponsored Workshop on Futures of Mechanics, U.N. Millennium Project. Seminal contributions/publications in the area of Biofuels/Biomass as petroleum replacements, sourced from wastelands and saline/waste water via halophytes and algae.
Futures-Related Activities
For some 10 years, presented 30 plus invited briefs per year on the Futures of Technology, Energetics, Propulsion, Sensors, Space Access, Space Exploration, Aeronautics, Warfare, Threat/Vulnerabilities, Robotics/Smart Materials and Education to the U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S., Canadian and NATO national security organizations, government agencies/organizations, corporate planning boards and universities. Originated and organize a yearly workshop for the US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) on Future Technology/Warfare, out of which has grown the Army “Red Franchise”, the preferred National Security Future Operating Environment utilized by the Army, Navy and Joint Forces Command. The USAF modeled their “Discovery Games” on these TRADOC Workshops. Bushnell is a member of the TechCast Panel, a group of international experts engaged in technology forecasting. .
Mitchell Rabin is the Founder, President and CEO of A Better World Foundation & Media, with a background in psychology stress management, acupuncture and social entrepreneurship. He is a counselor, and executive coach all as a means of educating and inspiring clients and students alike to lead others by modeling humane, eco-sensitive and integrity-based values. He has been a consultant to business leaders and CEOs of green and health-oriented start-ups over the past 25 years. He is an impassioned environmentalist and social entrepreneur using media & business as agents for change.