Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2pm EST: Mitchell’s guest this evening is University of Arizona Professor Emeritus, Guy McPherson, Ph.D. Today’s show is Part 2 of 3.
Today, Mitchell interviews environmental scientist, Guy McPherson, about the true seriousness of our environmental plight this very moment. Based on unfiltered science, Guy interprets the findings of global dimming, greenhouse gas overwhelm of our atmosphere and the presence of nuclear power plants throughout the world as painting a very dark future for humankind.
Guy R. McPherson is an American scientist, professor emeritus of natural resources and ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona. He is best known for promoting the idea of near term extinction (NTE), a term he coined about the possibility of human extinction as soon as 2030.
In May 2009, McPherson began transitioning to living on an off-grid homestead in southern New Mexico. McPherson authors a blog called “Nature Bats Last”, that focuses on global climate change, energy decline and the possibility of imminent human extinction due to the increasing accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. On November 1, 2015, McPherson was interviewed on National Geographic Explorer with host Bill Nye.
Regarding his NTE views, Andrew Revkin in The New York Times said McPherson was an “apocalyptic ecologist … who has built something of an ‘End of Days’ following”.Michael Tobis, a climate scientist from the University of Wisconsin, said McPherson was out of his depth and “is not the opposite of a denialist. He is a denialist, albeit of a different stripe.”